PQI01-Diabetes Short-term Complications Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for short term complications of diabetes per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 24.5 29.0 32.2 30.6 28.6 27.0 27.9 30.6 139 454930
Bay of Plenty 42.0 38.7 40.8 39.0 39.0 43.4 40.8 39.1 76 194530
Canterbury 44.3 41.7 37.9 39.3 37.6 41.0 41.6 41.8 200 477990
Capital & Coast 32.5 36.2 33.1 28.5 27.7 27.6 27.6 28.9 77 265980
Counties Manukau Health 34.8 37.8 38.9 35.5 38.8 38.0 38.9 39.6 185 466700
Hauora Tairawhiti 59.0 53.6 58.9 42.8 93.6 93.5 80.1 50.6 19 37515
Hawke's Bay 45.2 51.9 62.6 61.7 67.0 67.6 59.3 59.9 79 131890
Hutt Valley 46.3 53.8 42.0 37.7 50.3 49.4 57.8 56.0 67 119680
Lakes 95.8 81.3 83.7 92.0 106.3 116.9 114.5 119.1 100 83980
MidCentral 45.0 54.0 64.5 75.4 75.4 66.9 61.3 45.1 65 144020
Nelson Marlborough 35.8 36.5 38.9 40.3 42.7 43.3 33.9 36.1 46 127380
Northland 61.1 62.3 59.5 57.1 64.2 71.6 78.7 79.0 113 142950
South Canterbury 62.3 44.1 36.1 32.0 28.0 39.9 47.9 47.8 24 50220
Southern 38.3 40.8 40.1 43.7 44.8 41.0 39.1 36.0 97 269280
Taranaki 75.9 66.5 73.6 70.3 72.3 67.0 64.0 59.7 59 98780
Waikato 61.4 61.1 57.5 61.2 64.2 61.2 62.7 61.5 206 335020
Wairarapa 46.0 37.9 35.1 37.8 43.2 40.4 37.7 21.5 8 37135
Waitemata 29.8 27.1 27.8 26.5 25.9 27.7 27.7 28.8 156 541750
West Coast 82.3 75.0 53.6 49.9 78.5 85.5 89.0 74.7 21 28125
Whanganui 78.6 76.6 62.5 72.6 72.6 70.6 84.7 80.7 40 49560

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PQI02 - Perforated Appendix Admission Rate
shows the number of hospital admissions for perforations or abscesses of the appendix per 1,000 admissions for listed appendicitis,
among people aged 15 years and older, by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 316.70 312.64 316.81 317.60 341.20 337.37 334.01 338.78 166 490
Bay of Plenty 403.23 394.85 366.81 381.53 383.72 369.34 342.96 319.70 86 269
Canterbury 369.26 386.14 368.24 360.96 344.11 330.37 330.58 321.93 207 643
Capital & Coast 255.03 272.11 275.62 307.41 335.71 307.42 292.93 277.23 84 303
Counties Manukau Health 369.77 369.13 398.72 400.00 419.22 410.68 400.44 402.30 175 435
Hauora Tairawhiti 381.82 351.85 381.82 410.26 344.83 306.45 338.71 323.53 22 68
Hawke's Bay 297.14 288.14 284.09 335.44 362.64 395.48 409.84 427.08 82 192
Hutt Valley 254.90 329.34 358.97 361.84 367.09 337.35 356.32 377.25 63 167
Lakes 358.21 326.24 300.75 328.13 348.84 375.00 388.06 420.00 63 150
MidCentral 465.52 493.75 535.48 573.33 580.88 591.24 538.46 506.85 74 146
Nelson Marlborough 345.59 335.48 328.95 337.58 335.40 339.87 351.72 351.35 52 148
Northland 296.30 267.97 289.16 281.61 298.34 315.22 280.00 254.14 46 181
South Canterbury 197.18 214.29 290.32 339.29 370.37 384.62 442.31 411.76 21 51
Southern 237.70 204.13 217.50 229.83 241.46 246.79 249.33 270.03 91 337
Taranaki 315.32 305.08 275.23 245.61 291.34 325.20 373.91 398.15 43 108
Waikato 290.25 306.49 307.00 338.39 338.03 318.46 305.84 298.17 147 493
Wairarapa 414.63 404.76 391.30 488.37 476.19 468.75 372.09 277.78 10 36
Waitemata 345.48 333.85 353.29 337.54 359.21 384.96 374.65 367.86 277 753
West Coast 428.57 416.67 411.76 458.33 483.87 435.90 463.41 458.33 22 48
Whanganui 457.83 411.76 375.00 388.89 500.00 523.81 542.86 506.85 37 73

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PQI03 - Diabetes Long-term Complications Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for long term complications of diabetes per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 34.4 36.9 34.6 35.9 36.6 34.6 35.2 35.6 162 454930
Bay of Plenty 57.8 50.2 53.8 63.4 72.2 79.1 79.6 74.0 144 194530
Canterbury 28.7 28.7 26.6 25.6 31.3 31.6 32.2 33.9 162 477990
Capital & Coast 45.9 46.9 42.3 41.7 36.0 39.3 48.3 48.9 130 265980
Counties Manukau Health 53.8 52.7 57.3 55.8 60.4 61.8 59.0 56.8 265 466700
Hauora Tairawhiti 101.9 101.8 128.6 90.9 93.6 85.4 61.4 72.0 27 37515
Hawke's Bay 53.6 51.2 55.8 51.0 55.6 61.6 58.5 61.4 81 131890
Hutt Valley 58.1 58.8 65.6 62.9 66.2 70.3 66.1 80.2 96 119680
Lakes 58.7 56.2 44.3 41.8 54.9 59.6 58.4 69.1 58 83980
MidCentral 92.1 96.0 86.9 85.2 81.7 80.1 78.7 72.9 105 144020
Nelson Marlborough 35.8 35.7 41.3 42.7 37.9 43.3 42.5 45.5 58 127380
Northland 90.3 89.9 92.8 79.7 89.6 96.2 96.9 99.3 142 142950
South Canterbury 38.2 38.1 34.1 42.0 50.0 43.9 45.9 33.9 17 50220
Southern 46.6 51.3 50.9 49.7 48.6 41.3 40.2 38.3 103 269280
Taranaki 64.6 75.7 73.6 75.4 74.4 70.1 95.5 108.3 107 98780
Waikato 69.6 64.5 64.2 67.5 75.0 84.9 86.4 85.7 287 335020
Wairarapa 67.7 43.3 54.1 70.2 83.7 83.6 70.1 48.5 18 37135
Waitemata 43.2 44.9 43.0 45.1 47.5 46.5 49.2 49.7 269 541750
West Coast 14.3 14.3 17.9 17.8 32.1 46.3 42.7 49.8 14 28125
Whanganui 92.7 82.7 64.5 64.5 56.5 76.7 78.7 90.8 45 49560

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PQI05 - COPD or Asthma in Older Adults Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma per 100,000 population
aged 40 years and over, by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 422.7 438.7 441.9 454.9 459.0 458.5 432.0 439.4 966 219860
Bay of Plenty 590.0 640.1 665.6 660.4 639.0 629.3 641.9 693.4 884 127490
Canterbury 396.2 405.7 422.4 418.5 404.4 391.3 404.0 423.8 1215 286700
Capital & Coast 334.1 346.1 365.7 366.4 357.3 358.0 367.7 385.7 557 144410
Counties Manukau Health 461.0 464.0 480.0 458.4 501.6 502.8 526.2 527.5 1318 249840
Hauora Tairawhiti 821.6 909.7 976.6 708.1 899.6 871.0 862.1 922.4 208 22550
Hawke's Bay 827.7 879.3 864.1 809.7 867.8 831.8 872.4 931.4 805 86430
Hutt Valley 539.6 541.0 554.9 599.1 682.1 707.2 761.0 769.3 560 72790
Lakes 750.7 703.4 680.3 700.5 696.7 718.8 743.8 831.1 433 52100
MidCentral 601.8 639.9 659.4 707.4 708.6 704.4 712.4 706.0 623 88240
Nelson Marlborough 435.8 428.3 444.4 467.8 457.5 451.2 458.1 495.0 435 87870
Northland 776.2 826.7 852.4 812.9 779.8 794.0 832.2 864.1 816 94430
South Canterbury 547.5 546.4 514.0 518.9 518.9 523.8 512.0 543.3 185 34050
Southern 482.7 532.6 543.9 539.1 499.1 473.6 484.8 474.9 764 160890
Taranaki 819.6 791.6 801.3 765.6 783.2 760.8 736.8 775.1 487 62830
Waikato 690.3 704.1 729.1 709.5 721.7 717.9 723.9 735.7 1464 199000
Wairarapa 494.5 512.1 559.3 568.7 509.9 536.2 587.1 605.4 155 25605
Waitemata 438.9 457.1 489.8 507.0 503.4 483.3 484.3 493.3 1547 313630
West Coast 702.0 786.2 791.5 544.4 709.9 698.9 688.2 751.8 141 18755
Whanganui 1300.3 1402.2 1371.2 1361.6 1469.9 1399.7 1402.8 1304.6 421 32270

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PQI07 - Hypertension Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for hypertension per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 57.3 56.0 52.2 51.6 49.1 47.2 47.2 51.9 236 454930
Bay of Plenty 63.1 66.4 60.6 61.3 57.7 67.7 79.6 81.2 158 194530
Canterbury 15.2 15.9 15.9 18.4 18.2 20.2 20.6 21.8 104 477990
Capital & Coast 33.7 31.2 34.7 39.5 42.1 43.8 44.6 50.4 134 265980
Counties Manukau Health 43.4 47.0 46.8 51.2 51.6 53.6 57.7 62.6 292 466700
Hauora Tairawhiti 34.9 37.5 37.5 26.7 37.4 37.4 50.7 53.3 20 37515
Hawke's Bay 34.5 35.1 41.2 45.7 48.0 47.1 50.2 47.0 62 131890
Hutt Valley 39.6 43.7 39.5 42.8 51.1 50.2 57.8 63.5 76 119680
Lakes 38.3 35.9 40.7 60.9 64.5 75.1 77.5 82.2 69 83980
MidCentral 40.1 45.6 50.5 50.3 61.5 68.9 75.2 82.6 119 144020
Nelson Marlborough 21.5 29.4 32.5 34.8 42.7 42.5 48.0 56.5 72 127380
Northland 40.5 46.0 46.7 48.7 57.1 62.5 68.1 70.0 100 142950
South Canterbury 30.1 34.1 40.1 36.0 28.0 25.9 23.9 25.9 13 50220
Southern 24.4 27.0 27.3 34.4 36.6 40.6 41.7 40.1 108 269280
Taranaki 49.2 52.1 53.2 46.9 59.1 62.0 55.9 66.8 66 98780
Waikato 45.6 47.8 47.2 44.9 47.9 52.5 64.8 67.5 226 335020
Wairarapa 56.9 54.1 51.4 62.1 86.4 99.7 121.3 126.6 47 37135
Waitemata 43.9 42.8 47.0 53.9 58.6 64.2 66.8 67.4 365 541750
West Coast 42.9 50.0 39.3 32.1 67.8 99.7 113.9 145.8 41 28125
Whanganui 102.8 82.7 72.6 68.6 102.8 104.9 108.9 102.9 51 49560

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PQI08 - Heart Failure Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for heart failure per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 199.8 210.7 217.4 214.0 218.9 205.8 209.5 207.1 942 454930
Bay of Plenty 303.8 308.8 326.6 361.6 372.0 369.5 350.4 325.4 633 194530
Canterbury 227.3 222.9 220.3 214.7 214.9 213.7 217.3 219.3 1048 477990
Capital & Coast 171.0 165.7 164.6 173.0 184.8 182.0 188.1 172.6 459 265980
Counties Manukau Health 251.7 260.8 256.4 266.7 297.9 303.4 317.0 305.1 1424 466700
Hauora Tairawhiti 431.9 404.5 388.4 270.2 433.3 456.6 488.7 442.5 166 37515
Hawke's Bay 346.9 335.3 319.3 268.9 300.9 310.8 332.1 365.5 482 131890
Hutt Valley 294.9 308.4 308.4 280.0 297.6 288.8 284.6 300.0 359 119680
Lakes 324.6 349.2 355.2 380.9 370.2 381.6 363.7 337.0 283 83980
MidCentral 355.2 345.6 323.8 347.9 351.4 346.1 361.5 340.9 491 144020
Nelson Marlborough 223.9 234.0 230.9 256.0 269.4 278.0 286.7 289.7 369 127380
Northland 371.1 395.1 424.1 435.1 438.6 432.0 446.0 422.5 604 142950
South Canterbury 411.7 402.9 392.9 326.1 328.1 311.3 315.3 350.5 176 50220
Southern 272.8 280.6 276.1 267.0 262.2 258.1 243.2 244.7 659 269280
Taranaki 311.9 323.1 309.8 332.2 340.3 361.6 365.6 357.4 353 98780
Waikato 312.4 315.4 324.2 347.6 356.1 354.1 368.8 351.6 1178 335020
Wairarapa 262.7 300.1 286.6 294.2 278.0 234.5 304.6 285.4 106 37135
Waitemata 228.9 226.9 230.9 224.8 221.2 219.3 219.1 209.3 1134 541750
West Coast 379.4 339.4 303.7 217.5 271.0 292.0 306.2 330.7 93 28125
Whanganui 540.3 524.2 516.2 457.8 429.5 437.7 413.5 415.7 206 49560

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PQI09 - Low Birth Weight Rate
shows the number of low birth weight babies (< 2,500 grams) per 1,000 newborns,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 6.65 6.76 8.23 7.44 5.94 6.80 6.67 8.01 28 3497
Bay of Plenty 6.11 4.38 2.73 4.63 4.04 5.02 4.49 4.50 10 2220
Canterbury 9.49 10.15 13.07 15.22 12.53 12.33 12.80 13.96 59 4226
Capital & Coast 3.23 2.93 3.87 5.02 6.39 5.64 7.05 8.84 19 2150
Counties Manukau Health 6.72 6.66 13.89 13.32 14.82 14.97 16.18 18.39 107 5817
Hauora Tairawhiti 8.58 6.62 4.98 6.52 5.28 9.54 15.12 17.41 9 517
Hawke's Bay 23.37 18.82 17.43 15.30 13.73 14.04 14.53 12.48 18 1442
Hutt Valley 0.71 1.40 2.98 3.00 2.91 2.24 2.19 2.18 3 1378
Lakes 11.27 7.41 6.30 8.39 9.52 13.32 14.81 11.45 10 873
MidCentral 4.20 2.99 1.80 3.59 7.76 8.42 8.35 10.19 17 1669
Nelson Marlborough 3.91 4.91 4.80 4.02 4.05 3.06 3.07 6.18 6 971
Northland 7.08 9.08 9.99 8.87 8.67 6.08 2.84 3.66 5 1367
South Canterbury 4.07 2.04 2.03 2.08 4.37 4.36 4.54 2.19 1 457
Southern 3.48 3.09 2.02 2.12 1.68 2.49 3.24 5.00 12 2402
Taranaki 3.01 2.98 4.17 3.30 2.16 1.08 . . . 973
Waikato 13.01 11.90 11.23 13.50 9.19 10.39 12.32 11.34 44 3879
Wairarapa 9.71 5.28 5.62 5.52 2.87 2.95 2.77 3.10 1 323
Waitemata 3.99 4.72 5.12 5.43 6.38 6.42 6.42 5.35 30 5604
West Coast 15.08 16.22 12.50 8.62 11.24 . 5.92 5.88 1 170
Whanganui 4.44 3.04 4.85 4.81 7.87 6.33 3.17 1.56 1 640

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PQI10 - Dehydration Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for dehydration per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 238.5 248.9 238.8 238.8 244.2 248.9 246.5 240.0 1092 454930
Bay of Plenty 356.3 372.0 368.4 375.1 395.9 408.2 421.2 423.6 824 194530
Canterbury 185.2 191.0 195.2 195.0 202.0 198.3 200.5 207.5 992 477990
Capital & Coast 236.0 245.7 244.6 228.4 238.6 239.8 241.3 250.8 667 265980
Counties Manukau Health 238.4 254.4 255.7 264.5 292.6 297.3 301.0 294.6 1375 466700
Hauora Tairawhiti 431.9 447.4 487.5 393.2 470.8 510.0 488.7 487.8 183 37515
Hawke's Bay 374.5 383.4 401.0 387.8 422.8 415.0 379.2 391.2 516 131890
Hutt Valley 309.2 337.0 378.2 334.5 405.0 420.2 418.5 436.2 522 119680
Lakes 442.0 471.2 480.8 464.5 478.9 469.8 434.1 476.3 400 83980
MidCentral 273.6 272.7 267.8 267.6 277.3 268.1 264.0 285.4 411 144020
Nelson Marlborough 317.1 319.7 337.2 345.3 327.1 320.5 300.8 314.0 400 127380
Northland 325.6 356.1 369.6 393.5 447.1 475.5 479.7 482.0 689 142950
South Canterbury 347.5 344.8 372.8 374.1 358.1 347.3 329.3 320.6 161 50220
Southern 358.4 383.6 395.9 388.0 407.1 391.8 389.9 371.0 999 269280
Taranaki 346.8 358.9 366.0 362.7 364.8 385.9 391.0 410.0 405 98780
Waikato 334.9 373.5 374.1 376.0 379.0 381.1 388.9 391.9 1313 335020
Wairarapa 235.6 216.3 221.7 226.7 210.5 245.3 310.0 301.6 112 37135
Waitemata 274.7 302.5 314.8 313.6 317.6 320.6 327.3 326.9 1771 541750
West Coast 447.4 460.9 439.4 306.7 388.7 381.0 448.7 451.6 127 28125
Whanganui 510.1 546.4 570.6 564.6 611.0 599.1 554.7 482.2 239 49560

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PQI11 - Bacterial Pneumonia Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for bacterial pneumonia per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 149.3 162.8 171.6 187.5 204.9 206.9 222.6 223.8 1018 454930
Bay of Plenty 335.8 357.4 374.1 404.2 420.8 425.8 450.6 482.2 938 194530
Canterbury 250.0 251.8 267.3 284.4 290.8 295.7 314.7 311.3 1488 477990
Capital & Coast 220.3 227.0 245.3 251.9 256.9 256.8 268.9 265.4 706 265980
Counties Manukau Health 218.7 230.3 250.5 247.1 278.9 280.5 282.2 303.4 1416 466700
Hauora Tairawhiti 383.6 420.6 447.4 307.6 500.2 475.3 488.7 485.1 182 37515
Hawke's Bay 396.7 407.1 401.7 380.9 425.8 435.5 466.6 498.9 658 131890
Hutt Valley 281.4 305.9 302.6 327.8 390.7 412.6 446.1 438.7 525 119680
Lakes 402.5 417.4 421.0 459.8 461.0 463.9 484.1 489.4 411 83980
MidCentral 386.8 405.1 420.6 427.5 448.5 426.9 430.4 443.0 638 144020
Nelson Marlborough 270.1 276.9 311.8 326.3 343.7 329.2 314.2 337.6 430 127380
Northland 337.0 366.1 412.1 436.5 446.4 450.9 465.0 465.9 666 142950
South Canterbury 279.2 266.6 296.7 322.1 324.1 361.2 373.2 364.4 183 50220
Southern 285.2 314.7 335.3 332.0 354.4 348.6 351.9 366.9 988 269280
Taranaki 321.1 337.4 342.5 383.1 360.7 363.6 390.0 429.2 424 98780
Waikato 273.1 291.2 300.3 303.1 299.1 289.7 313.7 342.1 1146 335020
Wairarapa 357.5 335.2 419.1 450.7 461.5 466.4 490.6 449.7 167 37135
Waitemata 207.3 226.4 250.8 272.3 286.2 285.8 294.4 315.5 1709 541750
West Coast 354.3 328.7 318.0 231.8 306.7 409.5 484.3 529.8 149 28125
Whanganui 606.9 617.0 633.1 637.2 643.3 653.6 655.6 617.4 306 49560

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PQI12 - Urinary Tract Infection Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for urinary tract infection per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 205.0 216.5 227.5 237.9 252.0 249.8 250.1 251.9 1146 454930
Bay of Plenty 286.9 301.5 314.0 332.0 339.2 349.9 350.4 350.6 682 194530
Canterbury 164.5 160.6 166.1 169.0 175.1 188.7 197.5 191.8 917 477990
Capital & Coast 193.2 192.8 198.1 216.6 253.1 272.3 271.9 257.5 685 265980
Counties Manukau Health 223.8 238.4 250.0 256.9 290.0 298.6 305.7 298.3 1392 466700
Hauora Tairawhiti 279.0 273.2 259.8 211.3 329.0 349.8 379.2 413.2 155 37515
Hawke's Bay 278.7 271.1 298.6 307.8 356.5 387.6 406.6 424.6 560 131890
Hutt Valley 289.8 314.3 312.6 307.7 373.1 391.7 413.5 431.1 516 119680
Lakes 297.1 333.7 344.5 390.5 419.2 431.7 456.7 448.9 377 83980
MidCentral 212.4 204.0 218.7 221.4 228.4 228.4 220.8 236.8 341 144020
Nelson Marlborough 297.1 305.4 334.0 344.5 365.0 377.2 342.6 358.8 457 127380
Northland 329.9 344.1 369.6 390.0 408.3 449.5 464.3 483.4 691 142950
South Canterbury 247.0 290.6 310.7 294.1 328.1 323.3 337.3 358.4 180 50220
Southern 240.4 244.6 246.1 245.0 269.7 294.2 316.6 320.9 864 269280
Taranaki 423.7 418.2 393.6 382.1 377.0 378.8 400.2 429.2 424 98780
Waikato 282.9 281.2 287.0 303.4 312.4 337.9 345.7 346.5 1161 335020
Wairarapa 203.1 210.9 210.9 232.1 245.6 258.8 350.5 342.0 127 37135
Waitemata 275.1 283.4 302.1 309.3 318.7 332.3 326.4 330.2 1789 541750
West Coast 239.8 242.9 246.5 196.1 278.2 324.0 349.0 348.4 98 28125
Whanganui 491.9 469.8 479.9 469.9 518.2 510.3 524.5 589.2 292 49560

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PQI13 - Angina Without Procedure Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for angina without a cardiac procedure per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 49.4 52.2 54.4 53.3 57.6 52.7 52.0 50.1 228 454930
Bay of Plenty 123.0 146.3 143.2 141.8 155.3 132.3 133.8 133.1 259 194530
Canterbury 31.4 29.3 29.6 31.9 31.1 29.2 31.6 30.1 144 477990
Capital & Coast 35.2 39.6 41.1 43.6 46.7 43.4 42.7 44.4 118 265980
Counties Manukau Health 50.5 51.2 50.5 49.0 53.4 50.3 46.5 44.8 209 466700
Hauora Tairawhiti 201.2 190.2 182.2 123.0 168.5 162.9 160.2 162.6 61 37515
Hawke's Bay 64.3 60.3 52.7 51.8 58.7 66.9 73.0 72.8 96 131890
Hutt Valley 64.0 62.2 58.0 56.2 60.4 67.0 80.4 90.2 108 119680
Lakes 154.5 175.8 185.4 212.6 234.1 243.3 261.1 264.3 222 83980
MidCentral 98.5 97.4 110.7 113.9 126.4 135.8 149.7 157.6 227 144020
Nelson Marlborough 75.7 77.0 72.2 73.5 95.6 100.8 108.7 109.9 140 127380
Northland 127.2 138.1 135.9 131.9 134.7 129.2 133.5 135.0 193 142950
South Canterbury 94.4 104.2 98.2 104.0 112.0 93.8 107.8 119.5 60 50220
Southern 86.4 87.3 85.0 87.4 100.5 104.3 109.5 101.0 272 269280
Taranaki 203.1 192.2 185.1 187.5 172.2 189.9 188.9 191.3 189 98780
Waikato 124.1 119.0 114.7 123.2 118.7 113.3 113.6 101.8 341 335020
Wairarapa 73.1 73.0 89.2 94.5 94.5 94.4 102.4 105.0 39 37135
Waitemata 55.4 59.7 59.3 62.4 62.4 62.2 64.8 62.4 338 541750
West Coast 175.4 164.3 132.2 103.4 107.0 128.2 135.3 120.9 34 28125
Whanganui 215.7 207.7 173.4 159.3 155.3 143.2 153.3 145.3 72 49560

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PQI14 - Uncontrolled Diabetes Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for diabetes without mention of short- or long-term complications per 100,000 population
aged 15 years and over, by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 37.2 36.0 32.2 28.8 24.5 25.2 27.5 26.8 122 454930
Bay of Plenty 42.0 40.2 40.2 38.4 32.2 32.0 32.6 31.4 61 194530
Canterbury 22.7 22.1 21.1 17.8 21.1 20.4 22.5 25.1 120 477990
Capital & Coast 29.1 28.2 30.5 28.8 29.2 33.6 36.6 37.2 99 265980
Counties Manukau Health 42.8 45.5 47.5 41.4 42.9 39.8 40.6 43.3 202 466700
Hauora Tairawhiti 53.7 53.6 53.6 42.8 48.1 40.1 37.4 40.0 15 37515
Hawke's Bay 49.8 52.7 44.3 42.7 44.9 44.1 45.6 39.4 52 131890
Hutt Valley 37.9 40.3 35.3 31.9 35.2 37.7 35.2 38.4 46 119680
Lakes 43.1 40.7 37.1 49.0 52.5 58.4 57.2 46.4 39 83980
MidCentral 25.3 24.5 25.9 28.6 29.3 29.9 28.6 29.9 43 144020
Nelson Marlborough 28.7 34.1 30.1 28.4 27.7 25.2 22.8 31.4 40 127380
Northland 50.5 58.1 58.1 46.5 40.2 36.5 37.9 42.7 61 142950
South Canterbury 42.2 42.1 40.1 42.0 38.0 41.9 51.9 51.8 26 50220
Southern 39.4 38.6 42.0 37.0 42.6 41.0 38.4 36.0 97 269280
Taranaki 39.0 34.8 32.7 41.8 41.8 44.7 43.7 35.4 35 98780
Waikato 46.8 44.5 38.1 34.9 32.5 34.2 35.1 34.3 115 335020
Wairarapa 21.7 18.9 27.0 32.4 37.8 45.8 53.9 48.5 18 37135
Waitemata 28.3 29.7 29.4 31.4 31.7 31.8 32.0 29.0 157 541750
West Coast 50.1 42.9 46.4 32.1 57.1 67.7 71.2 71.1 20 28125
Whanganui 98.8 88.7 70.6 52.4 56.5 48.4 50.4 54.5 27 49560

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PQI15 - Asthma in Younger Adults Admission Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for asthma per 100,000 population aged from 15 to 39 years,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 95.3 91.0 90.6 79.1 70.5 63.9 58.8 55.7 131 235070
Bay of Plenty 128.2 141.0 139.5 132.6 125.1 119.9 128.9 116.3 78 67040
Canterbury 37.2 34.9 33.9 32.2 30.0 31.0 29.4 26.1 50 191290
Capital & Coast 85.5 86.0 77.6 68.2 62.4 59.5 63.7 61.7 75 121570
Counties Manukau Health 73.3 73.6 82.1 90.4 89.0 86.9 86.0 81.6 177 216860
Hauora Tairawhiti 114.2 134.2 100.6 73.7 93.8 93.7 107.0 120.3 18 14965
Hawke's Bay 95.4 123.9 117.3 141.2 154.5 143.2 141.0 136.4 62 45460
Hutt Valley 149.6 145.0 157.8 146.8 149.0 144.9 140.6 132.2 62 46890
Lakes 186.4 186.0 179.7 144.7 144.7 141.4 141.4 144.3 46 31880
MidCentral 92.3 93.8 82.9 79.1 84.5 98.7 109.5 121.9 68 55780
Nelson Marlborough 84.6 89.3 68.9 73.7 81.3 88.8 83.7 81.0 32 39510
Northland 170.0 173.4 175.5 170.6 164.4 159.5 173.9 210.2 102 48520
South Canterbury 50.0 43.7 43.7 43.6 31.1 31.0 31.0 30.9 5 16170
Southern 75.7 76.4 82.9 78.9 81.7 69.4 73.1 69.2 75 108390
Taranaki 103.6 95.0 78.3 80.9 83.7 80.8 89.2 102.9 37 35950
Waikato 100.8 98.1 102.6 87.4 88.9 95.2 92.2 92.6 126 136020
Wairarapa 43.0 43.1 60.3 51.9 95.2 112.6 86.6 78.1 9 11530
Waitemata 85.4 93.3 109.4 112.2 111.8 112.7 94.5 100.8 230 228120
West Coast 86.2 107.6 96.9 75.2 129.0 128.5 149.9 128.1 12 9370
Whanganui 375.7 318.1 289.2 196.8 167.9 162.0 150.4 156.2 27 17290

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PQI16 - Lower-Extremity Amputation Diabetes Rate
shows the crude rate of hospital admissions for diabetes-related lower-extremity amputation per 100,000 population aged 15 years and over,
by rolling 12 months ended in the calendar quarter.

DHB of Domicile _2022Q4 _2023Q1 _2023Q2 _2023Q3 _2023Q4 _2024Q1 _2024Q2 _2024Q3 _2024Q3_N _2024Q3_D
Auckland 2.5 2.5 1.6 2.7 3.1 3.1 3.1 1.3 6 454930
Bay of Plenty 3.7 4.2 5.2 5.2 6.2 7.2 5.7 5.7 11 194530
Canterbury 0.9 1.1 0.9 0.8 1.3 0.8 0.8 0.6 3 477990
Capital & Coast 3.1 3.8 3.4 1.9 3.0 2.6 3.8 3.8 10 265980
Counties Manukau Health 2.7 2.4 3.7 4.4 5.0 5.4 4.5 3.9 18 466700
Hauora Tairawhiti 2.7 5.4 8.0 8.0 8.0 5.3 2.7 2.7 1 37515
Hawke's Bay 5.4 5.3 4.6 4.6 4.6 5.3 6.1 4.5 6 131890
Hutt Valley 5.1 4.2 2.5 1.7 0.8 3.3 3.3 4.2 5 119680
Lakes 3.6 4.8 3.6 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.2 1.2 1 83980
MidCentral 7.0 5.6 3.5 4.2 6.3 6.3 5.6 3.5 5 144020
Nelson Marlborough . . . 0.8 0.8 1.6 0.8 0.8 1 127380
Northland 0.7 0.7 1.4 2.1 2.8 4.2 4.9 3.5 5 142950
South Canterbury . . . . . . 4.0 4.0 2 50220
Southern 0.4 0.4 0.4 1.1 1.1 2.2 1.9 1.1 3 269280
Taranaki 1.0 2.0 2.0 4.1 3.1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2 98780
Waikato 4.3 3.0 1.8 2.4 2.1 3.0 3.9 4.5 15 335020
Wairarapa . . . . 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 1 37135
Waitemata 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.6 1.1 0.9 1.1 1.5 8 541750
West Coast 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 . . . . . 28125
Whanganui 2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1 49560

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