Displaying 101 - 110 of 130 results
Frequently asked questions about surgical site infectionsThese frequently asked questions about surgical site infections were written by the Centre for Disease Control (CDC) and answer questions such as 'What is an SSI?' and 'Can SSIs be treated?'.
Evaluation of the surgical site infection improvement programmeEvaluation of the surgical site infection improvement programme – final summative report.
National hand hygiene compliance report 1 July–31 October 2016National hand hygiene compliance report for the period of 1 July–31 October 2016.
Template for infection prevention and control (IPC) walk rounds scheduleThis MS Word template is to support providers in developing and implementing an IPC walk rounds programme.
Template for ward contacts – infection prevention and control (IPC) walk roundsThis MS Word template is to support providers in developing and implementing an IPC walk rounds programme.
Sample questions for infection prevention and control (IPC) walk roundsThis MS Word template is to support providers in developing and implementing an IPC walk rounds programme.
Template for infection prevention and control (IPC) walk round issue and action listThis MS Word template is to support providers in developing and implementing an IPC walk rounds programme.
Communication templates for infection prevention and control (IPC) walk roundsThis MS Word template is to support providers in developing and implementing an IPC walk rounds programme.
Template for senior leaders – infection prevention and control (IPC) walk roundsThis MS Word template is designed to support providers in planning and implementing an IPC walk rounds programme.
National hand hygiene compliance report 1 July–31 October 2018National hand hygiene compliance report for the period of 1 July–31 October 2018.