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Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission
Issue #20 | news from Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission
21 April 2023
Ngā ihirangi | In this issue
- New chief executive for Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission | He Mana Hautū hou Mō Te Tāhū Hauora
- Applications closing soon for National Mortality Review Committee | Kei te katia ngā tono mō te Komiti Arotake Matenga
- Serious traumatic brain injury national collaborative begins second phase of improvement work | Ka tīmata te wāhanga tuarua o te mahi tahi ā-motu mō te wharanga roro
- Help us refine the health quality measures library – a centralised resource to support quality improvement | Āwhinatia mai kia whakapai ake i te whare kounga – he rauemi pūtahi hei tautoko i te mahi whakapai kounga
- Mental health and addiction Nga Poutama staff survey results out now | Kua puta ngā hua
- New report identifies health system learning opportunities for how COVID-19 care is provided in the community
- Study confirms the effectiveness of the Aotearoa New Zealand Early Warning Score | E whakamana ana te mauritau o tō Aotearoa Kupu Whakatūpato
Ngā hui huhua | Events
- World Hand Hygiene Day 2023 webinar | Kauhau Tuihono – Rangi Horoi Ringa 2023
- In-person adverse events learning programme workshop | He awheawhe, he hōtaka ako, kanohi ki te kanohi
- Our voices: The journey to healthy futures | Ō mātou reo: Te huarahi ki pae ora
- International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare | Wānanga ā-Ao mō te Kounga me te Haumaru o te Tauwhiro
- Registrations now open for the Quality Improvement Scientific Symposium 2023 | Tuwhera ana ngā rēhitatanga mō te Wānanga Pūtaiao Whakapai Kounga 2023