New appointments to Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission board
Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission (Te Tāhū Hauora) is pleased to welcome a new board chair, deputy chair and three new members.
Te Tāhū Hauora Chief Executive Dr Peter Jansen says, ‘Rae Lamb has been appointed chair of the board for a three-year term. Rae has been acting in this role for the past three months and has been the deputy chair of the board since October 2019. She is currently the chief executive of Te Pou, a non-government organisation focused on developing the mental health, addiction and disability workforce.
‘Dr Andrew Connolly has been appointed deputy chair for a one-year term. He has been a member of the board since November 2018. Andrew is also the chief medical officer of Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau.
We are pleased to welcome David Lui and Tereki Stewart who have been appointed as board members for a two-year term and Professor Ron Paterson for a three-year term. These new members are a welcome addition to the board and bring a wealth of experience with them.’
Current board members Professor Peter Crampton, Shenagh Gleisner, Dr Tristram Ingham and Dr Jenny Parr have all had their membership terms extended.
Dr Jansen says, ‘We have a high-calibre board that is committed to achieving our vision of ‘Hauora kounga mō te katoa | Quality health for all’ and we are very much looking forward to working with them.’
The full Te Tāhū Hauora board and their bios are below.
New chair
Rae Lamb has an extensive background in journalism and has worked as deputy commissioner in the office of the Health and Disability Commissioner and more recently as aged care complaints commissioner for all of Australia. In early 2019, Rae returned to Aotearoa New Zealand and is now chief executive officer of Te Pou, a non-governmental organisation focused on developing the mental health, addiction and disability workforce. Rae was a 2001-02 New Zealand Harkness Fellow and was a trustee on the international governing board for Cochrane.
New deputy chair
Andrew Connolly graduated from the University of Auckland in 1987 and is a general surgeon at Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau where he is also the acting chief medical officer. He has a strong interest in education, training and clinical leadership and was head of department at Counties Manukau Health from 2003 to 2019. Andrew was appointed to the Medical Council of New Zealand board in 2009, the latter five years as chair, and completed his tenure in February 2019. He has served on various ministerial committees to review aspects of the health system including the 2015 capacity and capability review and in 2022 he chaired the Planned Care Taskforce. He is currently a member of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on the health reforms, has served on several Australian Medical Council vocational college accreditation teams, and in 2021 was seconded to the Ministry of Health as national chief medical officer. Outside of medicine, Andrew has a strong interest in First World War military history.
New board members
David Lui has 30 years’ experience as a Pacific consultant. He is currently the principal consultant/director of Focus on Pacific Ltd, which provides cultural assessment, evaluations, cultural competency training and mentoring/coaching. Areas of particular focus include mental health, alcohol and drugs, mental health promotion, suicide prevention, family violence, justice (offenders) and youth. He has extensive experience working with Pacific communities in Aotearoa New Zealand. He is a board member of the WALSH Trust, and chair of Henderson High School board of trustees. Previously Mr Lui was a member of the Waitematā District Health Board and the chair of Pharmac’s Consumer Advisory Committee.
Professor Ron Paterson is a health law and ethics expert, Professor of Law and barrister and solicitor. Mr Paterson is a Professor of Law at the University of Auckland, where he teaches health law and previously taught legal ethics for a decade. Within this role he is also chair of the New Zealand Centre for Human Rights Law, Policy and Practice, and the Fitness to Practise Committee of the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences at the University of Auckland. He has a long and varied career history including roles such as Health and Disability Commissioner, Parliamentary Ombudsman, Deputy Director-General of Safety and Regulation at the Ministry of Health, and chair of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme for the Royal Australasian College of Physicians. He also has governance experience through his role as chair of the Independent Review of the Regulation of Lawyers in Aotearoa New Zealand and chair of the Fitness to Practise Committee, among other memberships.
Tereki Stewart is the programme director at Te Kāhui Raraunga Charitable Trust, which was established in 2019 to lead action to realise the advocacy of the Data Iwi Leaders Group. Mr Stewart was previously the pouwhakahaere/senior manager, Te Ao Māori, Census, at Stats NZ, where he was responsible for leading a team to bring te ao Māori perspectives to the Census programme. From 2015 to 2020, he was the chief operating officer at the National Hauora Coalition. Mr Stewart is vice-president of the Waitakere Outrigger Canoe Association and has previously been a member of a number of district health board committees representing Ngāti Whātua.
Existing board members
Professor Peter Crampton is a Professor of Public Health in Kōhatu, the Centre for Hauora Māori at the University of Otago. He researches and teaches Māori health, health systems and public health. His academic career has spanned a variety of roles and he has served on numerous advisory panels in policy areas related to public health, health services and tertiary education. He also sits on the board of the Public Health Advisory Committee. He is married with two adult sons, and enjoys mountain biking, walking and planting trees.
Shenagh Gleisner has had a diverse career as a manager of frontline health services, a director of KPMG and a general manager in the Northern Regional Health Authority. She has held a range of senior positions in the core public service including at the State Services Commission, as chief executive of the Ministry of Women’s Affairs and as acting deputy chief executive of the Department of Labour.
She now undertakes a range of contracts across many sectors and agencies in the state and the not-for-profit sector. This has included work in the Pacific building capability and organisational reviews.
She has had a long career in governance, is currently a director of a large industry training organisation, a director of Emerge Aotearoa, which runs mental health, disability and social housing services, and chair of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet’s Risk and Assurance Committee.
Her qualifications include a Master of Science, a Master of Public Policy and certificates in Māori studies and health economics.
Dr Tristram R Ingham is the deputy head of department, Research Associate Professor and clinical epidemiologist in the Department of Medicine at the University of Otago - Wellington. Dr Ingham has clinical, academic and governance expertise in addressing health inequities, Māori health, long-term conditions, disability rights and health care governance.
He is the director of Manatohu Limited, chair of the Foundation for Equity and Research New Zealand (FERNZ) and co-chair of the My Life My Voice Charitable Trust. He also chairs Te Ao Mārama Aotearoa Trust, a nationwide organisation representing tāngata whaikaha Māori.
Dr Jenny Parr became chief nurse and director of patient and whānau experience at Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau (formerly Counties Manukau Health) in January 2017.
Prior to that Ms Parr held a number of senior nursing, professional and management roles over 24 years, both in Aotearoa New Zealand at Te Whatu Ora Waitematā (formerly Waitemata DHB) and in London, England. She held a board position as executive director of nursing and patient experience at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust from 2010 to 2013. During this time, she led the quality governance agenda to achieve foundation trust status in 2013.
In her role at Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau, Ms Parr brings expertise in nursing leadership, patient experience, standards and safety to provide executive leadership. She is a registered nurse and qualified midwife with a doctorate in health science. Her research interests include the relationship between leadership, engagement and quality outcomes, fundamentals of care, safe staffing and experiences of whānau Māori accessing secondary care and Māori nurses.
She is a member of the management committee of the International Learning Collaborative.