Displaying 1 - 10 of 20 results
Family violence death information sheet seriesThese information sheets provide easy access in multiple languages to information about the nature and circumstances of family violence deaths in Aotearoa.
Historical Family Violence Death Review Committee (FVDRC) submissionsFVDRC submissions and input made between 2012 and 2023 on proposed Aotearoa New Zealand legislation changes and on government consultation and international forum processes.
Summary of Family Violence Death Review Committee (FVDRC) reportsMortality data reports for the Family Violence Death Review Committee.
Position paper: Responding to adults at risk who need care and support and who are experiencing family violenceA position paper which provides an overview of the issues associated with (mis)identifying adults at risk who need care and support and who are experiencing family violence.
An ongoing duty to care: Responding to survivors of family violence homicide | He tauwhiro haere te mahi: Hei urupare ki ngā toiora o te ririhau ā-whānauThis eighth report builds on the Family Violence Death Review Committee’s seventh report, which challenged us all, as a society, to reflect on and keep questioning how we demonstrate our care for one another.
Including whānau voices in family violence homicide in-depth reviewsSince 2019, the Family Violence Death Review Committee has been seeking the input of surviving family and whānau members as part of the in-depth review process. This article is a reflection on the process and how we can improve it.
Webinar: Men who use violenceThe Family Violence Death Review Committee held a webinar in partnership with the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse to present the findings of the FVRDC Sixth Report 'Men who use violence'.
Seventh report: A duty to care | Pūrongo tuawhitu: Me manaaki te tangataThe Seventh report of the Family Violence Death Review Committee draws attention to the concept of a duty to care. It includes a short companion piece that explores the kaupapa of the report and includes reflective points for agencies and services.
Family Violence Death Review Committee Sixth report: Men who use violence | Te Pūrongo tuaono: Ngā tāne ka whakamahi i te whakarekerekeThe Family Violence Death Review Committee's Sixth report: Men who use violence | Te Pūrongo tuaono: Ngā tāne ka whakamahi i te whakarekereke.