Displaying 41 - 50 of 732 results
Who's in the room? session 2Session two of the quality improvement scientific symposium virtual sessions 'Who's in the room?' was held on 11 February 2021.
Exploring how the way we work impacts the consumer experienceThis video explores consumers' experiences of communication and decision-making, when things do not go well in health care and a clinician's perspective of what might contribute to that experience.
Kia Toipoto: Closing gender, Māori, Pacific and ethnic pay gaps | Kia Toipoto: Pinea ngā āputa utu ā-ira, ā-Māori, ā-PasifikaTe Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission is committed to reducing gender, Māori, Pacific and ethnic pay gaps. This document summarises our plan to close those pay gaps.
Three steps to meeting health literacy needs | Ngā toru hīkoi e mōhiotia ai te hauoraOur new guide for health care professionals provides a process for you to follow with every person in every health care discussion.
Frailty care guides | Ngā aratohu maimoa hauwarea (2023 edition)As Aotearoa’s aged population increases, the recognition and treatment of frailty has become crucial to all health care environments. Frailty is a recognised clinical syndrome that requires specialised assessment and interventions.
Workshop report: Strengthening connections – the new landscape for reducing preventable deathsSummary report from the 2023 workshop, held for perinatal and maternal mortality review and child and youth mortality review local coordinators and chairs and Te Aka Whai Ora and Te Whatu Ora leaders.
Presentations from the Surgical Site Infection Improvement Programme champions meetingsPresentations from the Surgical Site Infection Improvement Programme champions meetings are available to download on this page.
Annual Report 2022/23 | Pūrongo ā-tau 2022/23Read our Annual Report 2022/23 | Pūrongo ā-tau 2022/23 here.
Pānui/information for whānau/families about post-mortem examination (brochure)This pānui is for whānau, families, parents, kaitiaki and caregivers who are trying to decide whether or not to consent to a post-mortem to be undertaken on their baby who has died during the perinatal period.