Building quality improvement capability in the mental health and addiction sector
The national mental health and addiction (MHA) quality improvement programme is building quality improvement capability in the MHA sector by sponsoring and delivering a number of educational courses and workshops.

A cohort of 20 MHA sector staff recently began the third MHA quality improvement facilitator course.
The bespoke quality improvement facilitator course has been developed specifically for the MHA quality improvement programme and is run and delivered by Ko Awatea, Counties Manukau Health.
The course aims to develop and expand on the improvement skills and knowledge required to become an effective facilitator of improvement. The curriculum is designed for people in the mental health and addiction sector who have a major portion of their work focused on improvement, and who will be viewed by senior leadership as a vital asset to their organisation.
The course is designed to integrate learning and doing. Each learner applies tools, skills and knowledge to an improvement project that is strategically important to their organisation. In addition, the course develops critical thinking and reflection among its participants.
Participants will be required to focus their improvement project on one of the three MHA QIP priority areas currently underway:
- Aukatia te noho punanga: E whai ana ki te whakakore i te noho punanga i mua o te 2020 | Zero seclusion: towards eliminating seclusion by 2020 (minimising restrictive care)
- Te tūhono i ngā manaakitanga, te whakapai ake i ngā whakawhitinga ratonga | Connecting Care: improving service transitions
- Te ako mai i ngā pāmamaetanga me te wheako tāngata whaiora me te whānau | Learning from adverse events and consumer, family and whānau experience.
A cohort of 20 MHA sector staff recently began the third MHA quality improvement facilitator course and attended their first two-day workshop at Ko Awatea on 1 and 2 July 2019. The training continues over nine months with graduation in March 2020.