Hand Hygiene New Zealand celebrates 10 years
2022 marks 10 years of all 20 district health boards (DHBs) participating in the Hand Hygiene New Zealand (HHNZ) programme.
In 2012 DHBs implemented smartphone technology to improve the auditing process, the HHNZ implementation guide was refreshed and the HHNZ auditing manual published. By October that year, all 20 DHBs were actively participating in the HHNZ programme and submitting hand hygiene data to the Health Quality & Safety Commission.
Since 2012 hand hygiene compliance has increased from 62.1 percent to 86.7 percent. Congratulations to everyone involved!
Canterbury DHB celebrates 10 years of hand hygiene improvement (1.7MB, pdf).
Below are some images of DHBs promoting hand hygiene during this period.

ADHB IPC team celebrate WHHD 2021

ADHB hand hygiene compliance success

Cupcakes for WHHD

Claire Underwood and Angela Corn from Hutt Valley DHB celebrating WHHD in 2021

Southland IPC team celebrate WHHD with hand hygiene table tennis
Northland DHB promote hand hygiene on Ward 16

Ward posters in Wellington Hospital promoting hand hygiene

Counties Manukau DHB celebrate WHHD in 2017

Children from Starship wards celebrate hand hygiene in 2017