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Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission
Issue #5 | news from the Health Quality & Safety Commission
06 May 2022
Ngā ihirangi | In this issue
- Report into whānau Māori experiences of major trauma care and rehabilitation released | Kua puta mai te pūrongo mō ngā wheako a ngā whānau Māori ki te manaakitanga me to whakaoranga
- Emergency service workers participate in advance care planning | Kua whai wāhi ngā kaimahi o ngā ratonga ohotata ki te kaupapa whakamahere tauwhiro
- Hospital inpatient experience explorer launched | Kua whakarewa i te kaitoro wheako o ngā tūroro noho hōhipera
- Hand hygiene New Zealand celebrates 10 years | E whakanui ana a Ringa Horoia o Aotearoa i tōna tekau tau
- Inaugural point prevalence survey provides useful insights into healthcare-associated infections in public hospitals across Aotearoa New Zealand | Kei te tiro whānui tuatahi mō te kohi raraunga he kōrero mō ngā mate o te mahi tauwhiro i ngā hōhipera tūmatanui huri noa o Aotearoa
- Improve knowledge and skill in clinical governance | Kia whakapai ake i tō mōhiotanga me ōu pūkenga mō te whakahaere haumanu
Ngā hui huhua | Events
- Webinar videos: Exploring the impact of aged residential care and older Māori | Whitiata ā-ipurangi: Te tirotiro i te pānga mai o te manaaki kaumātua me ngā pakeke Māori
- Videos: Quality improvement scientific symposium 2022 virtual lunchtime sessions | Whitiata: Hui mariko i te wā kai - Whakapai kounga 2022
- 10th Fragility Fracture Network global conference | Te Hui Tekau o te Rauara Whatinga Marore o Ao
Mahi ngātahi me mātou | Work with us
- Quality improvement advisor (closes 5pm Friday, 6 May 2022)
- Senior advisor, Pacific equity lead (closes 5pm Thursday, 12 May 2022)