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Final evaluation of the Whakakotahi primary care improvement programme

Primary care
31 July 2020

Whakakotahi is one of the Health Quality & Safety Commission’s key initiatives in primary care. The aim is to increase quality improvement capability by partnering with primary care teams to work on improvement projects.

A final evaluation of Whakakotahi was completed by Synergia and builds on the annual interim reports completed in 2017, 2018 and 2019.

Synergia worked closely with the Commission’s primary care programme team, its advisors and participating Whakakotahi project teams. They attended learning events, completed pre- and post-event surveys, undertook site visits and interviewed project team members.

The evaluation focuses on five key areas:

  1. Contribution of Whakakotahi to effective and increased engagement of the primary care sector.
  2. Contribution of Whakakotahi to effective working partnerships between the primary care participants and the Commission.
  3. Increased quality improvement capability among Whakakotahi participants.
  4. Contribution of Whakakotahi to improvements in health outcomes, equity, integration and consumer engagement in participating settings
  5. Understanding Whakakotahi through the Commission’s evaluation framework.

Synergia identified several key considerations for the Commission’s future primary care work, including the need for an ongoing focus on equity, interagency and community partnerships, data capability development, co-design, sustainability and scalability.

The summative evaluation, a visual summary and the interim reports are available by clicking the link below.

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