Displaying 1 - 10 of 21 results
Presentations from the 2018 Quality Improvement Scientific SymposiumPresentations from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's 2018 Quality Improvement Scientific Symposium.
Presentations from the 2019 Quality Improvement Scientific SymposiumPresentations and posters from the Health Quality & Safety Commission's 2019 Quality Improvement Scientific Symposium.
Recommended International Non-proprietary Names (rINNs)International Nonproprietary Names (INNs) are the official generic names for pharmaceuticals as designated by the World Health Organization (WHO).
Presentations from workshops on project focused on monitoring consumers on particular antipsychotic medication treatment to reduce risk of poor cardiovascular healthSlides are available below from the supra-regional co-design workshops on the project focusing on monitoring consumers on particular antipsychotic medication treatment to reduce risk of poor cardiovascular health.
Guide to improving the use of antibiotics in the management of urinary tract infections in aged residential careGuide to improving the use of antibiotics in the management of urinary tract infections in aged residential care
Introduction to the Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission infection prevention and control improvement programmesThis presentation was developed as a resource for stakeholders who take part in the Te Tāhū Hauora Health Quality & Safety Commission infection prevention and control (IPC) programme.
Leading improvement through engagement and community: presentations from a workshop with Helen BevanOn 2 and 3 August 2022, the Health Quality & Safety Commission (the Commission) hosted a workshop on leading improvement through engagement and community, facilitated by Helen Bevan. You can view presentations and slides from this workshop here.
National medication chart toolkit, user guide and medication charting standard (updated February 2021)The medication charting toolkit has been prepared for health practitioners who are implementing the national medication chart and/or conducting education and training on how to use the national medication chart.
SSI orthopaedic monitoring tool - variable life-adjusted display (VLAD) reportThe orthopaedic monitoring tool (VLAD report) is a tool to track orthopaedic surgical site infections (SSI) in your DHB. It is updated quarterly.